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Saving the day for property investors globally


Project overview

PropHero flew into the proptech scene with astonishing speed. With AI and human expertise combining to form an unstoppable potential, the company was outperforming the market by 170% and recently won PropTech startup of the year. It was time to shed their initial brand, discover who they were inside and step out to the world. With a big personality and a touch of magic to what they did, UntilNow was tasked with the mission.

We are extremely happy with the end result, I can't wait to see our new branding deployed on all our assets.

Mickael Roger






Unlocking potential
The team at UntilNow spent weeks researching, interviewing and workshopping what made PropHero unique and how this truth could be articulated to their benefit. Through customer and staff interviews we discovered that it was not the technology or the human expertise alone that did this, it was a fusion. This unique secret power that they had unlocked was both differentiating and defensible. We dug deeper.
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With a name proclaiming heroism we knew they needed to convey a sense of confidence, but there was no need for a cape and stars. Instead, we discovered that their brand archetype was in fact the magician and not the hero. With an almost magical blend of human and artificial intelligence, they could transform physical property into a digital, high performing asset without you ever being handed the keys. It was magic.
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Redesigning the brand
We begun with the logomark as it was foundational. After hundreds of wordmark and symbol explorations we landed on a powerful symbol. Comprised of 3 parcels - like land - and built around the strength of a pentagon, we crafted a P that held an upward pointing arrow inside its negative space. Despite its simplicity, the logo held a depth of meaning. However, the pentagon wasn’t a pentagram; where was that magic? Where was the heroism? We looked to symbols of magic such as sparks from wands as well as the view of earth from space. We imagined PropHero soaring, seeing the light of a new day dawning. The HeroBeam was born.
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Following the curve of the parcel shape, our HeroBeam became a versatile graphic device.
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Bringing it all to life
We now needed to paint the future for PropHero. Our personality was bold, optimistic, clever and magical - how would that look in the world?
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Exploring digital and physical application of the brand reassured us of its versatility. Instructional templates were designed and step-by-step design tips helped rollout achieve its potential.
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We can’t wait to see this powerful brand make waves across the globe as they launch more offices and redefine property investment as we know it.
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